Sexy beats
common love we share

Faruq & Qeeqa
Our sexy love


050508, He took her to Sofra Resturant for a candlelight dinner, presented an Agnes B necklace & asked her to be his girlfriend.

She said YES.

Thats when the fairytale began...

Colours / Headers
Beautiful memories
Carved in our hearts

Not just any ordinary fairytales

Alice dates the Mad Hatter

1) Watched Alice in Wonderland 3D
2) Had a romantice Burger King dinner by the river
3) At the end of the day, still in love with each other =D

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For my Faruq Love...

Every single day, Im counting the minutes to meeting you
To running into your warm embrace that keeps me feeling safe
The familiar smell of you Davidoff perfume melts my heart
The sweetened kiss of gummy-like lips of yours is my addiction
Time seems to fly past too fast when you're with me
I always wished time would stop for us so I can indulge in the moments
Always wished you could come in a teddy bear form that I can carry around
I am so in love with you, with the way you understood me more than I do
Baby, I appreciate you. You are my strength that helped me get through my everyday life
I will show you just how great is my love for you
Promise me you would give me the chance to grow old together with you
Because that is the only thing I want most in the world more than hoping to end up in heaven, amongst the angels...

With the purest of Love,

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Countdown at Sentosa!
Hey Guys! This is our post on New Year's Eve. Booboo and I decided to go for the beach party! Our plan was to meet up with my brother and kak suzy after work at 11 then head down there together. But booboo wanted to go in earlier so that we wont miss the fireworks and the countdown itself. And a good thing too! There were SOOOO MANY ppl going there!! Had to queue to buy the tickets, and on top of that we had to queue to get in. When we got in we had to walk the whole length of the beach in order to get to the main arena! So its quite good that we left early.

When we got to Siloso station, booboo met up with iffah and her friends. Took a few pics, ate our mcspicy burger and then we proceeded to enter. OH OH! at Sentosa there were many many many bangla! Those that afforded to pay would enter, and those that didnt, well they stood outside the Barricade. Well enough about that, once inside we decided to do our recce. See where was a nice spot to dance. Azzura was okie, trance kinda music, but wavehouse had chillout. Cafe del Mar was okie as well. The main arena was kinda mixed, rock with hip hop with dance, i dunno what genre anyway.

Met up with brother and sis in law slightly after midnight and danced the night away. Took lotsa pics, had a great time dancing with booboo! shes a really good dancer =) Sexxaayyyy. Drank 3 cans of redbull and had abrasions on my feet. All in all we had alot of fun! =) cant wait to club with booboo again!

Booboo bought me this shirt from Topshop in Malaysia! NICE!

Look at booboo, so cute. so pretty. =)
Thats the mcspicy we bought coz we were hungrayyyy!
This way!
Booboo with her signature pose

Theres a pool! so nice.. so.. inviting..
Booboo with her sexay pose
Lights! Mist! DANCE!
Dj plays here
Thats my car!
Cafe Del Mar
Booboo being cute
Us taking our couple shot =)
Main arena!
Foam party! (Not gonna let booboo go in here. EVER)
Booboo and I. (I think booboo's gonna kill me for uploading this pic. LOLOLOL)
Artist at work!
I wanna try!
Booboo and kakak
Me and fazli (my cousin)
Booboo asking for plain water.
Me and my campmate, Daryl
Chill and relax our feet!
Wavehouse's pool became a dance pool!
Booboo's so cute!

So cute!
Brother and Sister
I have no idea how these guys managed to stay on the stilts without falling!
Bumped into more of my campmates! Thats prem and khine soe
Booboo and Me drinking redbull and plain water. hahaha
Booboo resting =)
Resting by the beach

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