Sexy beats
common love we share

Faruq & Qeeqa
Our sexy love


050508, He took her to Sofra Resturant for a candlelight dinner, presented an Agnes B necklace & asked her to be his girlfriend.

She said YES.

Thats when the fairytale began...

Colours / Headers
Beautiful memories
Carved in our hearts

Not just any ordinary fairytales

280608 beautiful pics of beautiful places.
our pic dat i edited. =)

view of boat quay.

passed by fullerton hotel.

a gig @ esplanade

taken by hunnykin. rather artistic ehs?

the wheel.


baby nid ta go pee pee?? =p

nice drawings ehs?


a pic of him taken by her & a pic of her taken by him. =)

its love baby. =)




my hunnykin & his bro.

oohhs... my hero!! =p

helo world! =) okay. firstly. i was supposed to go watch wakeboarding comp @ kallang but dint go cos was drained from dancing e night b4. hunnykin n his two bros went fer toy convention @ suntec in e morn. was supposed to meet em at 1pm at city hall. but i was late by few mins. sori baby. i duno how to estimate e time n all.

hunnykin fetch me frm citylink. den we head over to pizza hut @ marina square wer his bros were waiting. okay. his elder bro, faris is rather frenly and funny. thank goodness cos i was rather shy. lol. his younger bro, was a lil bit reserved. so cute. lol. his younger bro same age as my bro but alot petite den my bro. =) so we ate & chatted. den after eat, we went our seperate ways. hunnykin & i rushed over to shaw towers & watched "get smart". gosh. e theatre was damn big. lol. the show was so & so. thought it woukd b damn funny but it was okay okay funny.

after movies, we head to bugis. baby wanted to shop for cardigan for himself but he ended up buying a beach type of skirt for me. lol. nice. THANK YOU BABY. =) den after, we head back to marina to eat. we ate at long john silver. OMG. DER WERE A WHOLE LOAD OF MATS & MINAHS. (malay versions of ah lians & ah bengs) it was like e attack of mats & minahs day or sumtink. we were shocked. lol. okay. den we walked out of marina to head over to "singapore flyer", the ferris wheel thingy but we were surprised wif fireworks. it was so beautiful. watching fireworks wif hunnykins. hehe. den we head over to the "singapore flyer" place. der was dis "yakult garden" underneath it. so we walk2 & camwhored der. hehe. hunnykin keep snapping pictures of me. grrr. =p

den... we went esplanade, sat down & watch some rock concert going on. the band playing was rather nice. den after enjoying the scenery & all. we call it a day n he sent me home. thank you for another nice day baby. =D

wif love...syaQfaruQ

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FiShy Fishy! Recapping 210608
210608, remember that date. For that is when I finally reached baby's house on time and ended up waiting for 15 mins! xP hahaha! I wasn't late darling! Hahaha

So we met around 1200 at darling's place. I was starving coz i didnt eat breakfast (had to wash clothes, make my bed and all that before leaving home). But i decided that we should just eat lunch after we've bought the movie tickets. We were planning to watch two movies actually; Don't Mess With The Zohan and Get Smart. But to our dismay, when we reached Plaza Singapura there were so many humans around and the early movie slots were all selling fast. Which sucked! Coz that'll mean that we have to sit so close to the screen and strain our necks. So we decided to take the 1 620 movie slot for the movie You Don't Mess With The Zohan. Which meant that we couldn't watch Get Smart on the same day due to time constraints.

Since we had around say, 3 hours to burn before the start of our movie, we had lunch at burger king first. Needless to say, a hungry, growing boy like me with a stomach the size of a rubbish bin bought a really huge meal. "One double whopper with cheese meal, no pickles, heavy mushroom, upsize, change drink to barley and change the fries to onion rings please" Yummy Yummy! Darling had double rendang meal. That was my first time trying the burger. It was nice! But cannot beat my Double Whopper with cheese with mushroom no pickles. Xp Hee.

After lunch, we headed down to Sim Lim Square. We walked to Sim Lim (after walking in circles no thanks to my wonderful navigation skills) and passed this really really cool hobby shop along the way. It had those model aircraft, tanks and ships that i love oh so much! Can you believe it, i was looking at a model tank below those japanese anime models and baby closed my eyes thinking i was looking at the jap models. Lol. Cute lah you baby. The tank caught my attention, not the jap model in that hot costume xP. Hahaha! Anyways, at Sim Lim i bought for darling Norton Internet Securty 2008. Coz i couldnt stand darling's lappy going crazy every time we chat online. Hahaha. See, baby doesnt have an antivirus in her laptop at all. Cute right? If theres a virus that hits your laptop baby, everything will be gone you know. So better install the software now! Don't be lazy.

We walked back to Plaza Singapura and made a short pitstop at Cathay to enjoy the aircon. (Yes Army Boys do hate the sun) There we took these really cute pics which baby said isn't cute. Nyeh.

Baby is so cute! She didnt let me upload this pic, but nyehhh, i don care xP

So we headed back to plaza to catch 'You Don't Mess With the Zohan'. The movie's damn funny! To me, it kinda mocks the situation in the Middle East between the Palestinians and the Jews. After watching this movie, everyone will be saying what Zohan said 'DISCO! DISCO!' and use hummus for everything you do, if you can get your hands on it.

After the movie, we headed down to orchard to walk around, then we headed back to Dhoby Ghaut to eat at Fish and Co. Glass House. Damn nice place. Baby had the peri peri catch of the day and i had Salmon. Yummy i love. And we had the Sharkie Freeze. LOVE IT. By far, I would say that the best Fish and Co would be at the Glass House because of the ambience. A live band, two stories, the decor. Everything there is just nice. But of course, anywhere would be nice with darling xP

Aww man, looking at the pics of salmon make me hungry now!!! Lol. Okay, nothing further, over and out.

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140608 sentosa-ing

The big tree.
The view @ mount faber
little lion

The love of my life

nice rite??
For display oni...=(

hot car. =p

candid pic by hunnykin

yupp. he fits e picture. =)

so so loved.

helo all! hehe. okay. saturday. my hunnykins fetched me from home. we agreed to meet @ 9am. but! as per norm. he was late by few mins. =X lol. wanted to scold him. but cant bear to wen he gif me e innocent face. hehe. so we head to harbourfront to haf our breakfast @ mcD.

coincidentally, we met his mummy & his aunties & cuzzins & uncles der. (his father's side). whoa. my heart was beating real fast at dat point of time cos i have not even met his family n den suddenly bumped into his relatives. hehe. i tried my best to stay calm. nervous la. lol. den his mummy asked us to eat tgder @ mcD. we all sat at e table. they were all really friendly and smiley. especially his mum. den we took pics togeder. n hunnykins say his mummy n i are similar wen take pics cos we always very fussy. if e pic not nice, want to delete den take again. hehe. =p

den after breakfast tgder, we went our seperate ways. his mummy n relatives all went to take ferry to bintan? n we went to take cable car to sentosa. i told my hunnykins few days b4 dat i wann ride cable car. den he decided to make it a reality. awww.. so sweet. wanted to pay fer my ride but he pay fer it. so gentleman. =) e view was really nice. but was like suffocating in e cable car cos no aircon. hahas. it was quite scary la wen stare down. but hunnykins made it all better. =D

reached sentosa, we decide to head fer pahlawan beach. as my hunnykins dowan ask fer direction & CLAIMING he noes e way, we walk a whole big round. lol. seriously...wats wif men & asking fer directions? lol. but ok la. got 2 sight-see a lil bit. hehe. reached pahlawan, we changed & soak ourselves in e water. halfway, i got a horrible migrane. so we got out & he bought me panadols & plain water. so sweet. after abt 3 hours or so, i wanted to get out & change but hunnykins dowan get out & tried really hard to make me stay. ehhm ehhm. lol. so, had to pull him out in e end.

after we changed, we head back to cable car station & head to mount faber. okla. mostly trees & such. hunnykins say e view is nice but i dint tink so. lol. maybe it woulda look better at nite. hehe. camwhored abit den we went back to vivoct banquet 2 eat. He treat me food, i treat him drink.

I was like so dead tired so we head back to JP. Got my daddy a father's day gift. den I bought a cute couple handfone keychain or watsoever it is called for us. hehe. hunnykins chose it. nice. den after dat he sent me home lo. was so tired dat he slept damn early. hehe.

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