Faruq & Qeeqa
Our sexy love |
Beautiful memories
Carved in our hearts |
First of all, i wanna start this post off by saying 'MY BABY IS SMELLY!'
Okay, now i can start =). So on the 13th we went to marina square to catch the movie Babylon AD. Its an interesting movie, with lots of weapons and war and weapons and war. Cool shit. Cant really blame me, army boy loves weapons and action, but hates booking in =) Peace~ So anyhoo, the movie has an interesting storyline. Its about how a sect of Christianity (cant remember their name in the movie) so called, created their own miracle in the form of that girl in the movie with that psychic powers and stuff. She was pregnant with twins without being touched. So she was a virgin, so called recreating a modern day 'Mother Mary virgin birth'. The sect wanted to use her miracle birth to greatly substantiate their religion. But Vin Diesel, the guy with the cool weapons and balls of steel, saved the girl, was there at her death bed and took her 2 kids as his own. Sucky ending. But interesting story. Lol
Oh! before we went to Marina Square, i picked baby up from her place. (I think.. or was it baby came over first? errr.. cant remember.. getting old) But what i can remember is that baby had a bad stomach ache! We had to get off at queenstown, to find a toilet in a coffeeshop. Disgusting toilet, but baby had no choice. Lol. Aww, i pity baby. This stomach ache was kinda on and off. After the movie, baby still had a stomach ache even when we were heading towards vivocity.
But before heading to the movies, we had quite some time before the show. So we tried to play that machine with the claw that grabs soft toys. Like the one in toy story where buzz lightyear was picked up by the claw? Yeah. That one. Baby wanted Miney Mouse. I was close to getting it but i swear the claw cant grab anything for nuts. So we didnt get it. I told baby that i'll be getting her a bear for her bday and something else. She wanted Miney but I already got her a 'Me To You' bear. Its so adorable. So i told her that i'll see how. Had thoughts of buying Miney too. But baby said that if i already bought her a bear, its okie. Dunno how baby can read my mind. Cheh.
After the movie we headed down to vivo to meet up with baby's mummy. We planned to go down to Jurong point to buy pizza from pizza hut, bring home and break fast together. Coz that night i had to book in quite early. So no choice, had to breakfast then straightaway head back to camp.
"Faruq" =)