Sexy beats
common love we share

Faruq & Qeeqa
Our sexy love


050508, He took her to Sofra Resturant for a candlelight dinner, presented an Agnes B necklace & asked her to be his girlfriend.

She said YES.

Thats when the fairytale began...

Colours / Headers
Beautiful memories
Carved in our hearts

Not just any ordinary fairytales

090109 Shhhh! Bedtime Stories
After booking out, my friend dropped me off at baby's school. Met baby there and went to westmall. We were to meet the kiddos at westmall for a movie. BEDTIME STORIES!

We bought tickets for the 930pm show. Was quite funny. Quite interesting show. Kids tell bedtime stories, bedtime stories comes to life. If only that can happen in real life. Then I can get 'A RED FERRARI FOR FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' Lol. Go watch the movie. Then you'd understand. hahaha

Oh, before the movie we went to macs to eat the beef prosperity meal. NICE. i love it. Lol. After the movie we went to jurong point macs to wait for baby's mummy to fetch us. And that was a friday well spent =)

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030109 Bowling and Cycling!
The Belakang Boys!

Heart Shaped!

Syabil and his pink ball

You should see how he bowls! cute!



Baby doll

The kiddos

Yeah, thats me. Nice pose eh? Lol



And yet another sexy pose. Hee. So cute

The Boys

Look at the shoes yo!

Deep in her heart shes saying 'AHH!! HEAVY!!'

Baby doll


Nice right?

Little did u know that there was another secret character in the movie

Okie, the 4 penguins were these guys.

This cute girl was well, SO CUTE. Lol

A cool bowling pin.

Preparing to take a pic

...The JUMP!

Cool yo!


Baby's so cute!

East Coast at night

Syabil on this Super Mini Bike. Lol

I'm at the front!



Baby and me on the 2 seater cycle!

Yo yo yo! So we went out with the 4 kiddos ytrd. We met around 2 at Jurong East. We went down to kallang leisure park. Initially the plan was to go ice skating. BUT! when we reached there, we found out that the price was SUPER SUPER SUPER EX AH! Wasted. Ice skating would be fun. Lol. But its okie. We decided to just bowl instead.

Was quite fun! at first, baby was leading. Shes good. Really. As for me, i sucked! Coz i haven bowled in a long long long time. And you should have seen how syabil bowls. Lol. So cute. He would put the ball on the floor. Then push it with all his might. LOL! Cute! And when baby bowls, she will look at the ball and when it hits the pins, she will like do this victory pose. So hot. Hee.

The game was really fun. I WON! with 88 points, my brother had 87 points. Lol. 1 point! hahaha

After we bowled, we went down to KFC to have an early dinner. We at the feast. Quite nice. Quite cheap too. Lol.

After our meal, we went down to east coast park again. We rented 5 bikes, coz baby and i rode on the same bike. Quite cool. Hahaha. At first it was a bit hard. But after a while i got the hang of it. And it was quite fun! While riding can get baby to give me a back massage. Lol. Cool! I pitied syabil though, his bike was small. Thn we cycled quite far. So he had to cycle like mad. Thn he was really tired. Hahaha. But we all had lotsa fun. =)

Went back to baby's place by bus. Whn we reached there, the kiddos watched this movie on tv. I, was asleep. So i cant remember the name of the show. But baby was massaging my head. Nice =) I love you baby! mwah! I enjoyed myself!

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311208 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Faruq + Qeeqa = faruQeeqa

Helmi + Karmila = Helmila

Mariam + Roy = Maroy

The arena entrance

Love in da club


The Boyfriends

Glow in the dark stamps.

The bar.


The singers/dancers.

Drinking fruit punch. YUMMY DOKS! His white shirt glows!

Pulling the poppers!

New year's kiss

Amidst the tons of people.

Can u see the tired faces?

Something i picked up on the dancefloor. EWW.

The redbull-holics.

This was wer I was rejected.

Lambo is so loved.

Piggybacks after a tiring nite.

Party nerds!

My supernerd! =D

New year eve was superb!!! Me, Mary & Karmila triple date. We went clubbing at clarke quay!! haha. Wanted to go club Rebel but I wasn't allowed in. So sad. So we went to The Arena. Aint gna tell ya'll how I got in this time. Muahaha.
It was syiok babe. The deejay played nice songs and the live band made wonderful music. Seriously. lol. We all dint drink. DUH-UH. Islam okay. haha. so we had fruit punch with no alcohol. Tasty like crazy. Best fruit punch ever. Haha. We dance the night away like mad. It was rather squeezy tho cos apparently many people wanted to celebrate NYE too. lol.
The countdown was simply amazing. I even got free CD as freebie. lol. All 3 couples had New year's kiss on the dancefloor. hehe. cute or wat. The camera man took a pic of me n boyfy. So random.
After we partay-ed, we had redbull. Lol. Then we got soo hyped dat we went boinkers. We walked all the way from clarke quay to marina square. Along the way, we piggyback, blew the whistle thingy we got from Rebel club and such. We left Arena at ard 3 ++ am den reached marina ard 4 ++am. Was damn hard to flag a cab cos most were on call.
Decided to crash at my place so reached my hse abt 5 ++ am. We had maggi cup noodle & milo and they all slept over at my hse. Roy went back 8 sumtink. The rest went home about 11 sumtink in the morning. Daddy bought breakfast so we all had breakfast at my house and then mummy sent each of em hme.
All in all, we got along pretty well and joked and laugh here and there. It was amazingly fun. Triple date again soon!!
Love...Iqa =)

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